Baton Rouge Spay and Neuter

There are many reasons to consider spaying(female) or neutering(male) your pet.

  1. Elimination of unwanted liters of puppies or kittens.
  2. To prevent pets from wandering away from your home.
  3. To improve their health by eliminating diseases such as:
    1. Pyometra
    2. Prostatitis
    3. Cystitis
    4. Dystocia
    5. Eclampsia
    6. Brucellosis
    7. Mastitis
    8. Cat fight wounds
    9. Bumper disease
    10. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
    11. Feline Leukemia
    12. FIV
    13. Fetal aberrations
    14. Male endocrine alopecia
    15. Paraphimosis
    16. Vaginal hyperplasia
  4. To reduce or eliminate certain types of cancers.
    • Testicle
      1. Sertoli
      2. Leydig Cell (interstitial)
      3. Seminoma
    • Ovary
      1. Papillary adenoma
      2. Cystadenoma
      3. Papillary adenocarcinoma
      4. Dysgerminomas
      5. Teratomas
      6. Teratocarcinomas
    • Uterine
      1. Uterine Leiomyomas
      2. Adenocarcinoma
    • Mammary Gland
      1. Fibroadenomas
      2. Carcinomas (solid)
      3. Tubular adenocarcinomas
      4. Sarcomas
      5. Inflammatory Carcinomas
    • Other
      1. Prostatic Carcinomas
      2. Peri-anal gland tumor
      3. Transmissible Venereal tumor (TVT)

Phone hours:
8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
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